The Syslog Viewer runs on Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0.
The logging tab
The logging tab contains the messages recieved from other machines. You can sort the data by clicking on the
column headings. You can zoom in onto a message by double clicking on it.
The settings tab
Here you can fiddle with some settings. You can change the words in the Message types box by double clicking on them.
Configuring Linux to send syslog messages to another machine
To configure the syslog deamon to send syslog messages to another machine, edit the syslog.conf file. This file will probable
reside in the /etc directory. Add the following line to the syslog.conf file:
*.* @<logging host>
<logging host> is the IP-address or the hostname of the machine running the Syslog Viewer. *.* Indicates that all messages are
More information about the syslog deamon and the syslog.conf file can be found in the Linux manual pages.
Future plans
Future plans for this program includes:
- (Programmable) actions if a message of a certain type arrives. Like sending an E-mail message, showing a popup dialog, or start an
external program.
- Smarter message type detection.
- Running syslogger as an NT service.
Click here to download Syslog Viewer version 1.0 Beta
Syslog Viewer is freeware. You can use it at your own risk. Please let me know if you like it or if you have some suggestions to improve it.